Promotions, also known as adverts, are pieces of content located in a separate folder in your session that are not part of the mosaic but will appear at predetermined intervals in the Live Viewer. Your guest will be watching the mosaic form, and every so often, an ad of your choosing/creation will appear.

1. The first step is to select your Advertisement content folder. Your session defaults to an Advertisement folder. Feel free to place your content in that folder, or click the "Promotions folder" file path link in the Media Selection section to pick a folder on your PC.

2. Click the checkbox on the appropriate thumbnail to select which pieces of content you wish to appear as advertisements during the session.

3. In the Promotion Settings section, you have a few options:

  • Activate Promotions: Check this box when you are set up and ready to activate commercials for your session.

  • Frequency (Promotions/hour) allows you to determine how many times your ads will be shown in one hour of mosaic progress.

  • Promotion duration (sec) allows you to determine, in seconds, how long the ads will appear on the screen before the Live Viewer resumes displaying mosaic progress. This duration control only affects images, not videos. Video adverts will play for the full duration of the video itself.

  • The promotion sequence allows you to select whether you want ads to play in the order they have in the Media Selection window (as shown), or if you prefer, you can randomize their display.

4. Video Player

  • Audio Devices: Here, you can select the audio device you wish to play audio from. This feature is more meant for video promotions that have audio.

  • The Test Commercial button will immediately display your advertisement in the Live Viewer. Keep clicking the button to see each selected ad in sequence.

  • Video Pause/Start: You can also use the Test Commercial button to test the commercials you've checked in the display box above.