With the Spot Color Filter enabled, you can choose which colors will appear in a black and white photo. Follow along below to learn how to set up the Spot Color filter.
Launch Photo Booth Upload and click S on the keyboard to open the Settings screen. Then navigate to the Filters tab.
Under Filter Mode select Auto Apply or User Select based on your intended purposes. If you choose Auto Apply and want to enable Live Filter, make sure to select Enable Live Filter and select Spot Color from the drop down menu:
Scroll through the list of available Filters and select the Spot Color Filter. Once selected, you'll be presented with a few options beneath the Filters Setting box. The options appear and function as follows:
Live View: When selected, the available options will adjust the live view your guests will see.
- Color: Choose the color you would like to have remaining in the image by selecting it from the color list drop down. Or select the color directly from the Filter Preview by clicking on the color from the preview. If you wish to add more colors, click the + button and select the next numerical value from the numerical drop down. These values will appear in ascending order based on how many colors you would like to enable within your image. Once you added a second color option, adjust the settings for that color.
- Threshold: Adjusts how much color appears in the live preview. Adjusting this to zero will give you a black and white preview.
Photo: When selected, options will adjust the settings for when the photo is taken.
- Color: Choose the color you would like to have remaining in the image by selecting it from the color list drop down. Or select the color directly from the Filter Preview by clicking on the color from the preview. If you wish to add more colors, click the + button and select the next numerical value from the numerical drop down. These values will appear in ascending order based on how many colors you would like to enable within your image. Once you added a second color option, adjust the settings for that color.
- Threshold: Adjusts how much color appears in the image. Adjusting this to zero will give you a black and white photo.
- Contrast: Adjusts the levels between black and white colors of your photo. Use this to make the blacks darker and your whites brighter.
- Smooth: Softens surfaces in the photo.
- Edges: Adjusts the line definitions in the photo.
Preview: Click preview to generate a new preview based on the current settings.
First, select Live View. Then click the + button and select the number 1 from the numerical drop down menu. Then adjust the Threshold slider to 100. This will allow you to add a color you would like to keep in the image and return the full image color to the Filter Preview.
Now we are going to choose a color to keep in our Live View. Use the mouse to select a color in the Filter Preview image you would like to keep. You'll notice the mouse icon will appear as a sample dropper when hovering over the Filter preview. Click on a color you would like to keep.
Once selected, you'll notice the color palate menu will appear with the selected color. Then lower the threshold and update the preview periodically until the color you choose is the only color visible in the preview. If you're having difficulties fine tuning, make sure you have a strong light source. Using the arrow keys of the keyboard is also helpful in making small changes to the slider values.
Once you have configured your live view settings, select Photo to adjust the photo settings. Adjust the Threshold slider to 100 to see the photo in full color. Then choose the same color you choose for the live view (or different color if you desire) to have appear in your photo. Once you have selected your color, begin lowering the threshold slider to remove the excess colors from the image.
Adjust the Contrast, Smooth, and Edges sliders to tweak the image to your preference. Once you have your desired look, click OK at the bottom to begin taking your photos with Spot Color!
Congratulations! You have successfully created a Spot Color filter!