Hashtag Printing is enabled in your event settings on the Event Manager webpage.  After doing so, the Hashtag Printing tab on PPU Helper will populate with a few options.  Check them out below.

Instagram Login: Click Login to login to your Instagram account. Once connected, the space to the right will populate with the text that says "connected as: yourinstagramname"

Start/Stop Instagram Hashtag Printing: Toggle these options to begin or stop hashtag printing. When the text is green, hashtag printing is NOT on. When text is red, hashtag printing is ON.

Start/Stop Twitter Hashtag Printing: Toggle these options to begin or stop hashtag printing. When the text is green, hashtag printing is NOT on.  When text is red, hashtag printing is ON.

Learn how to how to enable and use the features of Hashtag printing, check our our Hashtag Printing tutorial HERE