Easily Reprint the Previous Photo Session

Click/touch the top left corner of PBU to print an image from the previous photo session.

Rename Green Screen Folders

In the Green Screen tab within PBU, you can double-click/-tap the name of a Green Screen folder to rename it.

Access PBU Settings from the Home Screen

Triple click/tap the very bottom right corner of the PBU home screen to access the settings. You can also press "S" on your keyboard (if you have one connected).

Adjust Photo Holders with Your Keyboard

When editing a Green Screen or Page Designer photo holder, pressing will center the image. Use the arrow keys to make minute position adjustments. The Z and X keys will rotate the photo holder. N and M will adjust the size.

Create PBU Activation Settings on a Second PC Using the Trial Version

Even if the trial has expired, you can use a trial version of PBU on a PC other than your photo booth to create your PBU settings for an activation. When you're finished configuring your settings you can use the Export and Import settings on the Preferences tab to create a .pbu file that can be put on a USB drive and imported to PBU on your booth.