You can now automatically choose to include PPU Helper as an exception to Windows Firewall, allowing you to connect your devices and share your media more easily than ever before. Follow along below to learn more.


Launch PPU Helper and download the latest updated when prompted. Or download the PPU Helper application from the link HERE.


Once the download has finished, select the setup file and begin the installation process.


After choosing where you would like to save the application, you'll have the option to choose Additional Tasks like so:

By default, the Add exception to Windows Firewall option will be selected. This will allow sharing devices to easily communicate with Helper to share your media with your guests.


After selecting next, you'll see a screen reviewing your install details, including if you choose to add exception to Windows Firewall. It will appear like so:

Press Install and let the system do its thing. Once it is finished, launch PPU Helper and begin your next activation!