This section we'll review the settings available on the Options > Video / GIF section of Event Manager

Upload Video: Enabled by default, this option will allow videos to appear on PPU Kiosk and become shareable to your guests

Upload Animated GIF: Enabled by default, this option will allow Animated GIFs to appear on PPU Kiosk and become shareable to your guests.

Upload videos to YouTube channel: Allow your guests to upload videos to a YouTube channel. Follow our tutorial HERE for more information.

Add promo video: When enabled, an option will appear allowing you to upload a file that will be attached to the beginning of each guest video. The video must be an MP4 and no more than 10mb.

Add video overlay:  When enabled, an option will appear allowing you to upload an image file that will appear over your guests videos. This overlay must be in a PNG format.

Apply overlay to GIFs: This overlay will be embedded over your guest's animated GIFs. The overlay must be in PNG format.