When purchasing or transferring a PBU license, please be aware of these restrictions.

1. Photo Booth Upload licenses purchased online (from laphotoparty.com or from within your PPU account at login.photopartyupload.com) may be transferred from PC to PC up to 4 times (5 total activations) during their designated lifespan. 

2. Lifetime PBU licenses purchased online may only be transferred within the first 5 years of their active lifespan, after that, your license will no longer be transferable. Lifetime licenses are active only for the lifetime of the operating device. Thus, upon the expiration of their active lifespan or activation limit is reached, the license will no longer be transferable.

3. Once activated, PBU licenses that were purchased online cannot be transferred between PPU accounts.

4. Deactivating your Photo Booth Upload license will not prevent that computer from accepting an entirely new license in the future.

5. PBU Licenses that are provided with LAPP Photo Booths (INFINITE or VENTURE) or the Shuttle PCs (with PBU pre-installed and licensed) are married exclusively to their assigned PC, booth, and original owner. Should the INFINITE or VENTURE be sold, the new owner must pay a license transfer fee of $699. The fee will cover the cost of disabling the old license, creating a new license (so it can be paired with the new owner's account), installing it, and providing future tech support. If you are selling your INFINITE or VENTURE, please contact LAPP Support at [email protected] or by calling (323) 473-4883 for further details and assistance.