The Extra Images tab under Event Admin is where you'll select and manage any additional images (other than those captured by your guests) that you wish to employ when filling out your mosaic. This can help prevent downtime in the mosaic's creation, even if new guest content isn't being captured.

1. The first step is to populate and select your Extras images folder. By default, the "extras" folder will be created for your event. You are welcome to drop your desired extra images into that folder or click on the linked file path in the lower part of this section to select a folder on your hard drive to serve as the Extras folder photos.

2. Once your Extra Images folder has been selected and contains content, you will see thumbnail previews of that content in the preview window of the Extra Images Display Viewer section and a tally of available images just below.

3. Activate "Add Images" to the Watched Folder: This is the control function that enables or disables the extra images feature, which adds images to your mosaic.

4. Continue and Replace Images of a Completed Mosaic: Once the Mosaic is completed, Muse Mosaic will continue to add images even though the Mosaic is completed. Please note that the final mosaic will be the original images that were added. Anything added after the mosaic is completed will not be included in the final output added images

5. Continue to Add Images as Duplicates: This feature allows you to continuously duplicate your extra images folder to add images to the watched folder when the originals have all been used.

6. Frequency(Image/Minute): This option allows you to indicate in minutes how often an extra image should be added to the mosaic.

7. You can also adjust how your images are displayed and the order in which they are added to the mosaic by using the Selection Sequence feature. The images on the far left are added first.

Dynamics Optimization

8. Set Target # Images / Minute: Checking this option allows you to indicate to the software how many images you expect to target per minute when placing them on the mosaic.

9. Aspired System Speed: This option allows you to decide how much of your system resources the mosaic should use. The optimized option is the best selection, as the mosaic will take and release resources from the computer system where necessary.

10. Move from Waiting to Watched (img/min): This allows you to set a time interval for images to automatically move from waiting to watched folder without your input.

11. Move from Hashtag to Waiting (img/min): This allows you to set a time interval for images to automatically move from hashtag to waiting folder without your input.

Post-Completion Settings

12. Continue and Replace Images of a Completed Mosaic: By default, Muse Mosaic will deactivate itself once the Mosaic is completed. However, if this setting is toggled on, Muse Mosaic will continue to build the Mosaic, overlapping existing tiles, and will wait until you want to stop the Mosaic.

13. Image Placement Sequence: After the Mosaic is completed, you can choose how to place images, either Fully Randomized or Keep the settings you had in the “Image Placement” Tab.

14. Add the New Images to the Printer Queue: After the Mosaic is completed, you can choose to print the new photos coming in or keep them digitally.

15. Keep Winners Active After Mosaic Completion: If you enable this feature, you can choose to keep the winner tiles after the mosaic is completed.