This guide will explain the functionality and behavior of the various buttons on the Home Tab of Muse Mosaic.

1. Activate your License: Click this button to begin your license activation process. You will be taken to the License Tab where you can enter your account information and the redeem code for the license you purchased.

2. Create a New Session: A session is an instance of the digital mosaic creation. Every image used and every setting configured is part of a single session. When you save or exit the program, you are exiting this particular session instance. Treat this as your individual mosaic events. Every time you want to start or create a new mosaic activation, this would be one of the first steps, which is to start a new session. Starting a new session would prompt you to enter a name for the session (treat this as entering the name for your event so you can easily recognize it later). Once you enter a name and click OK, the new session folder would be created and saved in the Muse Mosaic folder located on your desktop. The session folder created would contain a list of subfolders that would be used by the new session. You can then add new graphics to these folders for the various features you want in your new mosaic activation. 


3. Clear and Restart Mosaic: Select this option if you would like to restart your mosaic with the same exact settings you've configured. Doing so will delete all your previous mosaic data files within the particular session.

4. Load Mosaic Event and Load Recent Session: 

i) Load Mosaic Event will automatically reload a mosaic from the current session that was back up and saved as a ".mmx" file. If you paused your mosaic, exit, and want to resume your mosaic from where you left off, this is the option to choose.

ii) Load Recent Session allows you to select a specific savepoint in your mosaic to restore. The save points are all saved in intervals based on the configurations for how often you configure your ongoing mosaic to save from Event Admin -> Save Mosaic Image Tab. Each of these savepoints is created while your mosaic was ongoing. So if something went wrong for example and you want to start your mosaic from 500 images instead of 600, this feature is what is used to give you the option to selectively choose at what point of your mosaic creation should your mosaic be restored to and continue from.

5. Waiting room folder path: This option will allow you to select a waiting room folder outside of your created session's folder. It is usually default and selected when you start a new session. However, if you absolutely must select a folder outside of your sessions folder as your waiting room folder, this is the place where you can do so without affecting any of your other mosaic settings.

6. Watched folder path: This option will allow you to select a watched folder outside of your created session's folder. It is usually default and selected when you start a new session. However, if you absolutely must select a folder outside of your sessions folder as your watched folder, this is the place where you can do so without affecting any of your other mosaic settings.

Please take a look at our Muse Mosaic Folders Guide if you want to learn more about the functions of the different folders in Muse Mosaic.