This article provides instructions on how to add and/or create graphics (stills and GIFs) which can be used in one or all of your Virtual Booth web sites.


Using another program, prepare the image files that you'll use to create your Virtual Booth Graphic--the background(s) and/or overlay(s) that you want to use. 

Virtual Booth allows you to create graphics that have just a background, just an overlay, or both.

Backgrounds should be JPG format, and overlays should be PNG files with transparency. 

If you choose to create an "overlay only" graphic, a white background will automatically be applied (we recommend using Overlay Only Graphics with our Overlay Only site option, unless you just dig a white background). 

If you are creating a GIF animation that has both a backgrounds and an overlays, each "frame" of the animation requires its own pair of both background and overlay image (we suggest numbering them 01, 02, etc. so that they are ordered correctly in the final animation). 

You also have the option of uploading a single PNG "Overlay Logo" file which will cover the entire GIF. This is essentially a static, secondary overlay layer. The logo overlay file should have the same pixel dimensions as your JPGs and PNGs.


Navigate to the Virtual Booth tab of Event Manager and click on the Virtual Booth Graphics button.

Then, click the Create New Graphic link in the upper left.


You should now be in the Graphic Creation page where you can customize your Virtual Booth Graphic.

PREVIEW: You will find a preview window on the right that you can drag around and reposition. It will be blank at first and then will update as you add image files to your Virtual Booth Graphic

  • Graphic ID: This is where you'll name your graphic for reference. No blank spaces or symbols allowed, jut FYI.

  • Site(s): Here you'll find a list of your existing Virtual Booth sites. You can skip this, if you don't have a site setup to use this graphic, or you can select one or more sites to which this graphic will be applied immediately once you're done creating or editing it.

  • Background Files: Click the Choose Files button to upload the one or more background images that will be used for your graphic. You can skip this if your graphic is meant to be overlay only. If you're creating an animated GIF you will need a separate background file for each frame. To make sure that they stay in the same order, make sure that the file names are identical except for a progressing count (e.g. BG_01.jpg, BG_02.jpg, etc.) Background files must be JPEG format files. Use the "Reset" link to remove any uploaded files.

  • Overlay Files: Click the Choose Files button to upload the one or more overlay images that will be used for your graphic. You can skip this if your graphic is meant to be background only. If you're creating an animated GIF you will need a separate overlay file for each frame. To make sure that they stay in the same order, make sure that the file names are identical except for a progressing count (e.g. OL_01.png, OL_02.png, etc.) Background files must be PNG format files with transparency. Use the "Reset" link to remove any uploaded files. (NOTE: If you are adding only overlays and no background, a default white background will be applied to your graphic).

  • Overlay Logo: Optionally, you can add a second overlay file, like a logo, that will appear over every frame of your GIF. This will need to be a PNG file with transparency, and it must have the same overall size/aspect ratio as your other images, since the logo cannot be repositioned within Virtual Booth.

  • Sample Image: Here you can upload a sample image or GIF of this Graphic in action! You can create a sample with added guests using a third-party software, or add it later using a sample you create using your Virtual Booth site (just keep in mind that until your site's start date, all content will have a "test" watermark applied). The sample image you upload here will appear on the front page and thumbnails for this graphic option on every Virtual Booth site that uses it.

  • Animation Speed: If you're creating an animated GIF, Animation Speed dictates the millisecond delay between each frame of your GIF. This means that lower numbers will make your GIF play faster. A setting of "100" for instance will result in a GIF that plays back at 10 frames per second. (NOTE: This setting has no impact if you're creating a single-frame still graphic). Input the millisecond delay you would like in the box, then click or tab out of the box to see the change take effect in the preview window.

  • Thumbnail Tooltip: Here you can customize the text that appears when a guest hovers their cursor over the thumbnail for this Graphic on your Virtual Booth site.

  • Active (checkbox): The Active checkbox indicates whether or not the Graphic is available in the selected creator page.


Press Create and you're done!  (or Submit if you're editing an existing graphic). 

Clicking the Cancel link will exit the Graphic Creator and NONE of your changes during this session will have been saved, so... use wisely. 

Note* We recommend that your still graphics are kept to a maximum of 1200x1800 and if you are loading in multiple graphics for regular or burst gifs, those graphics should be half the dimensions at 600x900. Also, please keep in mind to never put a space in between your Graphic ID name when giving your graphic a name. Scripts on a website are sensitive to spaces and having a space in your naming scheme for your graphic will cause your graphic to not appear on your site.


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