Custom Inserts allow you to place an image or video that the guest will encounter in the flow of using your booth. Custom Inserts can be placed almost anywhere in the experience, can be dismissed by tap or by timer, and therefore can be used to serve a variety of purposes (splash screen, idle screen, prompts, instructions, etc.)
After placing a Custom Insert node in your timeline, click its "gear" icon to enter its settings.
This is where you can create or select from custom inserts that you've created on your account. Custom Inserts are not event-specific, so you can create an insert in one event, and then select it on any other events you create on the same account.

When you select "Create New" you'll be asked to upload your pre-created graphic or video that will serve as your custom insert.
A thumbnail representing your uploaded Graphic will appear in the carousel. Click to highlight and select the graphic you want to use.
After selecting the Custom Insert you want to use in this node, you can enable or disable either or both of the dismissal options. These are Screen Timeout and Tap to Advance.
Enable Screen Timeout if you want the custom insert screen to automatically time out and move to the next node. Set the number of seconds you want to screen to appear before moving on.
Alternatively, you can Enable Tap to Advance which will make it so that guests can tap the screen to move past the custom insert. For instance, if you wanted a start screen that reads "Tap to Get Started!"
Questions? Contact [email protected]