This is an overview of creating a new event on
To begin, click the "Create New Event" button at the top of the page.
You'll begin by selecting your package and any add-ons you want for this event.
For more information on your package options, see our Packages tutorial.
Once the package you want is selected, click the NEXT button to proceed to...
This is where you'll set some basic information about your event. Some fields are required, while others are optional.
- Event Name: Every event should have its own, unique name. This is how you will differentiate it from others in your events list, both in the event creator and when selecting your event in the Landmark iPad app.
- Start Date/Time & End Date/Time: The range of dates you can choose is subject to the package you select for the event. Between the start date/time and the end date/time, the event is active. Prior to the start, content captured for this event will be watermarked. After the end, the event will no longer be usable in the app.
- Time Zone: where you will be using the app (tip - use the search field to type in key words to more easily find your time zone)
- City: where you will be using the app
- State: where you will be using the app
- ZIP: where you will be using the app
- Country: where you will be using the app
- Fie Prefix: To help with file management, the text you add here will be added to the beginning of the file name for the content created in the app that is saved to the iPad.
- Event PIN: In order to access settings in the app, a 4-digit, numerical PIN is required and each event can have a different PIN.
- iPad Camera: Here you can predetermine whether your new event will use the front or rear camera of the iPad. This setting can be changed later in the app itself, if need be, though if events are refreshed, the setting will revert to what was set for the event here. This setting can be changed as needed at any time.
- iPad Orientation: Here you will select which orientation your iPad will be in for your event. This should be decided and set first, since subsequent graphical decisions in the event will depend on it.
- Countdown Timer: You can set the duration of the countdown timer which will appear for all activation types in your event. To disable the timer, set it to "0"
Once you've set your Event Details the way you want them, click NEXT to proceed to...
This is the workspace where you will create the flow of your event as it will appear in the iPad app.
Along the top you will find a menu of "Nodes" that can be added to your event.
Nodes are features or functions that occur in the app which can be added and connected in the workspace to create the flow of the event.
All new events have the required start screen node by default.
On the right of the workspace, you'll find the workspace controls.
Zoom In/Out/Reset allows you to change the size of your workspace.
Undo/Redo allow you to undo or redo changes made within the workspace
Trash allows you to delete the selected Node or node connection in the workspace.
To add a node to the workspace, click on the node you wish to add, in the header menu. Then move your cursor into the workspace to drag the selected node (you'll see a shadow box node that you're dragging along). Then click to place the node next to a node you wish to connect in the workspace.
The connection forms automatically in the form of an arrow.
You can also form new connections between nodes that are already placed in the workspace by clicking and dragging them close to enough to each other.
If the connection is successful, a new arrow will appear between the now-connected nodes.
Not all nodes connect with all other nodes. For example, the Filter node can only follow Photo, Video, or GIF directly. Attempting to connect it to other nodes will fail to form a connection.
Other nodes can come anywhere after the activation. While some, like Custom Insert, can be placed anywhere!
Nodes like Age Gate, Custom Insert, and Survey/Disclaimer can also be placed in front of the Start Screen to further customize the experience.
All nodes can and should be customized for your event.
To edit the settings for any node, click on the gear icon in the bottom right.
This will open the unique settings for that particular node. For details on the specific settings of each node type, see the support documents dedicated to each feature specifically.
Most events will require a Share node be placed at or near the end, after all the content customization.
TIP: You can drag and reposition your entire booth deign layout by clicking/holding anywhere in the workspace surrounding the nodes and dragging your cursor.
Once you've placed, connected, and customized the nodes for your event, click NEXT along the bottom the proceed to...
This screen provides a summary of your Package and Event details for you to review prior to completing your purchase.
If you want to make changes, use the BACK button, but if everything looks good, proceed by click NEXT to...
Here you can select to use either the credit card on file for your account or a different card. You'll see an order summary including the package and any add-ons (additional add-ons can be purchased later if need be).
Once you're all set, click PAY NOW to confirm your order and save your new event. This is the only way to save your event.
NOTE: If you have selected the PER EVENT package, you will also see a PAY LATER option which allows you to save your event sans payment. Pay Later events remain in TEST status regardless of start date until the payment is completed.
Now your event is saved and will appear on your MY EVENTS page and in the Landmark iPad app (after refreshing events).
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