Muse Mosaic 2.0 allows you to upload your mosaic to an interactive website for free. 

Please follow these instructions IN THIS ORDER to upload your mosaic and customize the page.

1. Navigate to the Upload tab.

2. Press the Connect button on the right side of the window. After a few seconds you should connect to our server.

3. Type a name for your mosaic in the field to the right of the Create New Event button. This name will be a part of your mosaic URL, so please choose carefully! It should not have any spaces, or special characters beside dash (-) or underscore (_).

4. Press Create New Event, and your website will be created!

5. In the Available Events on the Mosaic Server dropdown, select the event you just made. All events you've ever made will be available in that dropdown. If you want to delete an event, select it in the dropdown, and click Delete Selected Event.

6. Now, to customize the website:

        - Add a page title in the Page Title field. This will be what someone sees as the name of the tab in their browser.

Customizing the Favicon and Sidebar Colour is optional. If you upload a favicon, it must be in the .ico format. I like to use to quickly create favicons. Click the folder icon to the right of the Favicon to find your .ico file and import it. 

        - The background of the mosaic page can be a color or an image. The image can be titled or stretched on the page. Click the folder icon to the right of Mosaic Background to import your image.

        - You can have a Header/Title Image and Header/Title text. Simply check the corresponding boxes and customize them in the fields below. The header image should be no more than 600 pixels high.

7. Once you've customized your site, press the Upload Mosaic Design button on the bottom right:

8. To start uploading your mosaic images to the page, toggle the Server Mode switch in the upper right, next to the Connect button

9. Click the button next to it named Open Event in Browser and your mosaic page will be opened in your default browser! You can send this link to your client/guests.

Once you start your mosaic with the Event Active toggle, your images will be uploaded to the site.

That's it! Enjoy your online mosaic!