This guide explains how to use any cloud-based storage platform (Dropbox or Google Drive) with Muse Mosaic.

To begin, you will need to set your Sync Folder as the Hashtag Folder within the software.

1. Navigate to the “Preferences” Tab.

2. Once in the Preference tab, click “Hashtag Folder,” and a File Browser will pop up. Assign this folder to the Sync Folder.

3. Once the folder has been assigned, navigate to the Admin Section.

4. Within Admin, go to the Extra Images tab.

5. In the Extra Images tab, set the “Dynamics Optimization” drop-down to “Copy from Hashtag to Watched.”

6. Once the drop-down has been set, enable the feature.

Now, images will automatically be added to the mosaic from your Cloud Based Storage platform. 

*It should work with any cloud storage provider, but we have tested and confirmed Dropbox, Resilio Sync, Google Drive, and iCloud.