You have the option to hard wire your Windows tablet directly to your PC to help with internet connectivity. The PC will use its WiFi card to connect to a hotspot or local WiFi, and the tablet will connect to the PC with an Ethernet crossover cable. It is not possible to connect an iPad to a PC via an Ethernet cable and successfully use our software.
To use Ethernet on a tablet, you may need to get an Ethernet to USB adapter. There are many available on Amazon, and they should all work right away. You may also need a crossover cable depending on the Ethernet adapters you use. Some can automatically detect crossover and adjust accordingly, removing the need for a crossover cable, but some cannot. It's a good idea to purchase one just in case. They are easily found on Amazon.
Since the Kiosk connects to the Helper over a network, you'll have to set an static IP for each computer. The instructions below will show you how to do so for the Helper PC and the sharing tablet.
Configuring the Helper PC:
Go to Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change Adapter Settings
Right-click on the Wifi adapter and select Properties.
Select Sharing tab and check the box labeled "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection."
Confirm with the OK button and find yourself back in the Network Connections window.
Next, right-click on your Ethernet adapter and select Properties. Scroll down to Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and select Properties.
Select "Use the following IP address." Enter for the IP and for the Subnet mask. DO NOT enter anything for Default Gateway. That's for internet and that is being handled by the WiFi.
Next you must assign (one or) both DNS servers. I use the ones from Google.
Use the same DNS when you configure the tablet!
Click OK and this computer is done.
Configuring the Tablet
Go to Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change Adapter Settings
Right-click on your USB ethernet adapter and select Properties. Scroll down to Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and select Properties.
Select "Use the following IP address." Enter for the IP. The first 3 sets of numbers must be the same as the IP address of the Helper PC, but the last number must be different. Use for the Subnet mask.
Assign Default Gateway. It must be the assigned IP of the Helper PC:
Assign the same DNS as on the Helper PC.
Confirm everything...
The tablet should now be able to use the internet. Open a browser on the tablet and give it a go. If it doesn't work, switch off your hotspot and switch it back on again.
You may have to manually input the IP address for the Helper PC in the Kiosk app for our software to fully connect. To do so, go to the PPU Helper tab in Kiosk settings and click Manual. Enter the IP address for the Helper PC and it should connect.
Congratulations! You have successfully configured your PC and Tablet and are now hardwired.