Event Manager is a web based portal you'll use to create, manage, and facilitate all the sharing features of your event.  Event's are essentially a hub of all your party's information and sharing options you would like to offer your guests.   Here you will be given a basic introduction of Event Manager; where to find features, settings, and shown a general guide on how to create and configure an Event in Event Manager.


Create an account or login to an existing account at login.photopartyupload.com.  Once logged in, this will take you to the Event Manager page.


On the Event Manager page, notice in the top right corner you can access various downloads, as well as your profile.  It looks like this:

Here you can select the following:

Download Kiosk App For Windows: Download the PPU Kiosk app for Windows.

Download Kiosk App for iPad:  Sends you to a link to Apple's app page where you can download PPU Kiosk for iPad.

Download Helper App for Windows:  Download the PPU Helper app for Windows.

Download RFID Registration App:  Download RFID Registration App.

Profile:  View your profile details, such as your basic info, current selected package (pay per upload/per print, pay per event, unlimited, business), and view or update billing preferences.

Log Out: Will log your account out of Event Manager.


Below the downloads and profile settings, a variety of green tabs are available:

Here are some brief highlights as to what all the sections are:

Events: This tab will display all of your recent events.  You can select any of your current/active events and edit features about them.

Surveys: You can create and manage multiple choice or input text surveys for your guests to complete.  For more information on surveys, click HERE.

RFID Stations: Enables your guests to share their images and video to social media, email, or texting options without them needing to enter their details on site.

RFID Registration:  Here you create a registration on a website (prior to arriving at your event) which will allow your guests to complete a registration, and receive a bar-coded bracelet that corresponds with their social media, email, or texting preferences. 

Digital Props: You can upload and manage a library of digital props such as hats, beards, quote bubbles, etc. that can be enabled for any of your events.  For more information, click HERE.

Photo Booth Upload Licenses: Here you can purchase, view, and manage your PBU licenses.  This includes a section to purchase the VR Add on too!

Billing: This section includes all the invoices, payment, and balance history for your account.

Filter(s):  Adjust the filter from the drop down to display events from a specified date(s).

Create New Event:  Click to create a new event and begin customizing the settings for the event.


Once you have accessed your profile, click Create New Event.  


Here you'll be presented with Event Details.  You'll be required to enter an Event Date, Event Name, and City.


Now select the Sharing menu.

Then you will you'll see a blue bar display the following:

Select the options in this bar to enable the sharing options for that feature.

Facebook: Enable Facebook with a variety of specific options.  You can also upload to a FB Fan Page.  Click HERE to configure your Facebook settings.

Twitter:  Enable Twitter with options to include a unique URL or default message.  Click HERE to configure your Twitter settings.

Instagram:  Enable Instagram with a default message.  Click HERE to configure your Instagram settings.

Email:  Enable email with options to include a unique URL with fields to customize the email's header, image/body, and footer.  For more information on email sharing, click HERE.

Text Message:  Text messages can be enabled.  You have the option to send a default message, send images as SMS or images and GIFs as MMS.  Please note that a Twilio account must be created, configured and activated for texting.  You can learn more about enabling texting HERE.

SmugMug:  SmugMug is an online image gallery that can be used to host your guests images.  For more info on SmugMug, click HERE.

Unique URL:  a Unique URL is a unique web address that can be branded and used for marketing or personal purposes.  Unique URL can be created and applied to various sharing options.  Click HERE for more information.

Once you have enabled your sharing preferences, move on to the Printing section.


Select Printing

Notice the options in the blue bar have changed.  Here you can select and enable the printing options you'd like to have available to your guests  

Printing:  Select Printing then, "Enable Print" to allow photos to be printed at the event.  Guests can select photos and have them printed immediately by a printer set up at the event location.

Hashtag Printing:  Print photos using hashtags you create.  For more information, click HERE.

Flipbook Printing:  Create and configure your flipbook printing preferences.  Click HERE for more information.

Once you've made your printing selections, move on to the Options tab.


Select Options

The blue bar menu will now display:

Data Collect:  This menu has a number of options for you to enable to gather information about your guests.  You can Enable Collect Emails, Add Disclaimer, and Collect User Data.  With these options enabled, a spreadsheet of information will be created and available to you at the end of your event.  Click HERE for more information.

Digital Props: Digital Props can be enabled and any desired props can be selected to use from the digital props library.  Click HERE for more information.

Social:  This has options to enable a FaceBook like button and Facebook Checkin.  Click HERE for more information.

Video/Gif:  This section includes video options to enable:

  • Upload Video:  Video files in the watched folder will transfer to the iPad/tablets.
  • Upload Animated Gif:  Animated gifs in the watched folder will transfer to the iPad/tablet.
  • Upload videos to YouTube channel:  Enables options for you to configure and upload videos to YouTube.  For more information, click HERE.
  • Add Promo Video:  Upload a file that will be attached to the beginning of each guest video.
  • Add Video Overlay:  Upload a png overlay that will be embedded over your guest's video.

Graphics:  You have the option to enable...

  • Custom Background:  Upload a custom background on the Kiosk app.  When enabled, you'll be prompted to upload an image for the home screen.
  • Upload Full Size Images:  Photos will not be downsized when sending via email.  This means high resolutions photos to be sent in their original size. 
  • Enable Customizable Buttons:  Allows you to customize various buttons throughout PPU.  Click HERE for more information.

Once you're finished enabling Options, select Extras.


Select Extras

Then select from the blue bar:

Survey:  Enable any survey that has been previously created from the green Surveys tab.  Click HERE for more information.

RFID:  Select a relevant RFID Station and Registration settings.

Charge Guests:  Enabled the ability to charge guests for sharing features.  Click HERE for more information.

Graphics:  You can adjust graphics such as...

  • Remove Photo Party Upload Branding:  Removes PPU branding from images.  Must be enabled for custom html functionality.  Click HERE for more information.
  • Logo on Home Screen:  Upload a logo on the home screen in the top right corner.  When enabled, you'll have the option to choose and upload an image.
  • Enable Background Removal:  Allows for the removal of backgrounds with or without the green screen.  Click HERE for more information.

Statistics:  You can Enable Graphical Stats which will create a spreadsheet of data collected from your event and displays it in an easy to follow chart with images and graphics.  Click HERE for more information.

Once you have made your preferences under Extras, select Overlays.


Under the Overlays tab we have the option to add:

Portrait Overlay:  Automatically adds a custom overlay to all vertical photos processed in PPU.

Landscape Overlay:  Automatically adds a custom overlay to all horizontal photos processed in PPU.

Slideshow Overlay:  Adds an overlay to Slideshow features.

Once you have added any desired overlays, move on to the next step.


Once you have selected all the options you would like to have enabled for your event, select the green button labeled Submit.  This will begin the finalization process of saving the settings of your event.  Pressing Cancel will close the event without saving any settings.

Selecting Submit will generate a summary of your event settings and display the Terms and Conditions.  Please read thoroughly to understand the Terms and Conditions.


Once the Event has been Submitted, you'll be returned to the Event Manager home page with your new event listed in a chart like so:

Event Info:  Display's the Date of the event, as well as the Event Name.  If "Copy Event" is selected, you'll be prompted to enter a new event name and new event date.  The settings of your event will be copied and created as a new event.  Please note that the copied event will not be saved until you go through the set up screens and click "Accept".  Also note that you may have to re-enter Facebook Fan Page credentials.

Uploads/Prints:  This section will display values for each enabled share option and will change based on your guests sharing selections to display a total amount.

Graphic Types:  Displays how many guests choose Video/Gif when enabled.

Other:  Displays a value for the number of Facebook Likes and Checkins guests have made when enabled.

Tools:  Under Downloads, you can select "Event Data" to down a .xlsx document of data collected from the Event (when data collect/enable email collect are enabled).  Select Download Settings to create a .ppue file of the current event settings that can be imported and exported.  For more information on importing and exporting, click HERE settings.  Username displays the current user account, and Cost displays the current amount you will be charged for the particular event.

CONGRATULATIONS!  You now know the ins and outs of navigating and using Event Manager.