If you are logged into your PPU account in the Helper, you should see a list of all available events. Available events are those that are set to today's date or in the future. You will not see any events that have dates set to yesterday or before.

If you do not see your event in your list, follow these steps:


Double check that your event has the proper date set in the Event Manager website. If it does not, click Copy Event below your event name and set a new date and name for the copied event.


Right click the Helper tool in the bottom right corner of the screen. Move your mouse to Events, and in the pop-up press Refresh. This will download all your current events.


If your event date is correct, you've Refreshed the Helper, and you still don't see your event in the list, you probably have the wrong date set on you computer.

On the bottom right of the screen, check that the date and clock are set properly to today's date.

If it is not, right click the date and time and select "Adjust date/time"

Make sure that "Set time automatically" is switched on and your date and time will be set properly.

Your event should now be in the event list.


If it still isn't there, you may be signed into the wrong account in the Helper. Right click the Helper tool and click Sign Out. Right click again and Sign In with your Photo Party Upload credentials.

Check the box labeled "Keep me signed in" so you only have to sign in once!