What's the Privacy Policy for pictures sent through Photo Party Upload (PPU)?

LA Photo Party does not own nor will ever use any media captured by photographers who use Photo Party Upload, without the photographer's express written permission. All media is owned by the photographer and LA Photo Party claims no ownership of said media.

Since the images are hosted on your servers, is there something in the licenses use agreement stating that your company cannot/will not use these images in any way?

We will never use your photos for anything, ever. Any promotional photos we use we have taken ourselves. Any media you capture and share through our service, including images hosted on our server, are owned by you, and will never be used by us without your express written permission.


The Facebook app will only be used for the actions for which you grant permissions. Photo Party Upload does not save passwords or user names. Photo Party Upload does not collect, sell or distribute any information locally or to any 3rd party organizations, ever!

LA Photo Party does not own nor will ever use any media captured by photographers who use Photo Party Upload, without the photographer's express written permission. All media is owned by the photographer and LA Photo Party claims no ownership of said media.