This article explains the way in which you can test your Virtual Booth site free of charge prior to your Start Date.

Virtual Booth testing and billing works differently from other Events in Photo Party Upload.

The Start Date you set when creating your Virtual Booth site will begin the billable period for your site. This period ends on the End Date that you set. Once the Start Date is reached, it cannot be changed. When the End Date is reached, you'll be invoiced and billed for the duration. The price depends on this duration, the background removal option you selected, and in the case of AI background removal, also the number of images. Check out a full breakdown of pricing HERE.

You can test your virtual booth site, without being billed, any time between when it is created, and the Start Date that you selected. Everything about the process is available to you and your client to try out and tweak. The only caveat is that you will see a "TEST" watermark on the final output of your Still or GIF. You can even test sharing with the watermarked image!


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