This article provides a list of some general and/or frequently asked questions about Virtual Booth.

What is Virtual Booth and how does it work?

To get a good idea of what Virtual Booth is, check out our Virtual Booth Overview Tutorial. Then, to get a sense of what the guest/user experience would be, check out our Guest Experience Overview.

What software is required to use Virtual Booth?

To create Virtual Booths, you'll need to have a Photo Party Upload account, which you can create and access using any web browser. Likewise, your guests/users can use any web browser to access your Virtual Booth page once it's been created! 

How much does Virtual Booth cost and can I try it for free?

Check out our Virtual Booth Pricing FAQ for answers to these questions and more!

What kind of content can my guests create with Virtual Booth?

Virtual Booth can create either still image (*.jpg) or animated GIFs. Both options allow you to use either or both overlays and backgrounds (overlay only graphics will have a white background by default). Your guest will only upload one still image regardless of whether you have provided still or GIF options. Virtual Booth does not yet offer an option for the guest to upload more than one image for use in one GIF. For more information on graphic creation with Virtual Booth, check out our tutorial on Graphic Creation.

Can I mix and match background removal options on the same site?

Only one background removal option can be used per site, regardless of what Graphics are selected.

What's the difference between an "Overlay Only" site and an "Overlay Only" graphic?

There are two places where the term "overlay only" is used in Virtual Booth. An overlay only graphic means that the graphic will have just an overlay, and a white background will be added to that by the software. 

You can also create a site that is "overlay only." It basically means the same thing as "No Background Removal." If the site is "overlay only" then the background will not be removed for any image that is uploaded by a guest, regardless of what graphic is selected. 

Keep in mind that the graphic selected does not determine what happens to the guest photo's background. That's determined by the background removal option selected for the site itself. If Automatic or Manual background removal is selected for the site, then the background will be removed from the guest photo revealing the graphic background. So, in the case that an "overlay only" graphic is used with automatic or manual background removal, there will be a white background revealed.

How do I view GIFs on an Apple Computer?

If your GIF file opens using Apple's Preview application, you're just going to see a collection of individual images. To play a GIF on Mac OS, you can open it using a web browser, or preview it by highlighting the file and pressing the space bar. If you have other software for viewing GIF files, that works, too, of course!


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